Current vacancies are listed below.
CV's should be submitted to [email protected]. Please indicate the position you are applying for and your availability. E,g. immediate start. Alternatively, if you are interested in this charity specifically but there are no positions listed, please let us know and we will hold your details on file.
If you have any questions, you can contact Jo on 07487 549761.
Thank you for your interest in joining CF Fundraising Ltd!
CV's should be submitted to [email protected]. Please indicate the position you are applying for and your availability. E,g. immediate start. Alternatively, if you are interested in this charity specifically but there are no positions listed, please let us know and we will hold your details on file.
If you have any questions, you can contact Jo on 07487 549761.
Thank you for your interest in joining CF Fundraising Ltd!
Want to help make a difference to an amazing Children’s Hospice?
Chestnut Tree House is the children’s hospice for East and West Sussex and Southeast Hampshire, providing specialist palliative care for children and young people with life shortening conditions.
We are looking for people with passion, enthusiasm, great communication skills and perseverance to join our fundraising team to represent Chestnut Tree House throughout Sussex.
Working in pre booked sites including shows and events throughout Sussex, our team really do make a difference, helping raise awareness and signing people up to sponsor the hospice through monthly direct debit contributions, which enables them to continue the invaluable work they do!
We are currently looking for someone to work 2 days a week, at weekends.
Chestnut Tree House is the children’s hospice for East and West Sussex and Southeast Hampshire, providing specialist palliative care for children and young people with life shortening conditions.
We are looking for people with passion, enthusiasm, great communication skills and perseverance to join our fundraising team to represent Chestnut Tree House throughout Sussex.
Working in pre booked sites including shows and events throughout Sussex, our team really do make a difference, helping raise awareness and signing people up to sponsor the hospice through monthly direct debit contributions, which enables them to continue the invaluable work they do!
We are currently looking for someone to work 2 days a week, at weekends.

chestnut_tree_house__weekends_only_.pdf |